Morning Star Estate

NYE conciergeNew Year’s Eve tips

We popped past one lunchtime to check out all the hype about the Morning Star Estate New Year’s Eve. And if someone said have you thought about heading down to the Peninsula for New Year’s Eve? Straight away my mind is thinking of Rye and a young crowd. But no there is more to it. Morning Star on the Peninsula down on the way to Mornington which is about a 50 minute drive from Melbourne. The first thing I notice is the congestion of traffic going the opposite way which sets the tone in a positive. As I drive into the entrance of Morning Star I am surrounded by large gum trees in the car park. Straight away your mind makes a huge adjustment to space and very visual surroundings. It an automatic reaction to step out of the car and inhale the sea fresh air.

As I walk into the entrance of the manor I know I am stepping in to a place of history. The once residents of a boys home has been converted into a restaurant / hotel. We are seated outside on the terrace, that has shelter to eliminate any wind or sun. I think the waiter had come around about three times before I ordered from the menu. I was preoccupied with the surrounding gardens that contained approximately 200 roses. The manicured gardens put my nails to shame a detail and pride are the first impressions. I was lucky enough to also watch a storm role in from the south that hit us much later in the afternoon. This entertainment was progressing on Port Phillip bay that sat beyond the gardens of Morning Star.

I was handed a menu that was titled “Spring” and in theme I chose the tuna panzanella for entrée and the free range chicken breast for main. Both were presented like a piece of art and tasted as free from country gardens as you can get them. Throughout the meal I had chosen a local champagne to keep in the theme. I know that that evening I didn’t need dinner as I had ample food to suffice me.

Sure Morning Star can accommodate the visitors who just come and have a beautiful meal but make sure you leave the hurry at home or the office and have plenty of time to take in the surrounds, walks and history that could see the whole afternoon thru.

If you are looking to party for NYE in greater Melbourne then check this venue out.
Location: Morning Star Estate is located just south of Mt Eliza on the Mornington Peninsula which is south east of Melbourne. It’s official address is 1 Sunnyside Road Mt Eliza.

Accommodation ideas and notes:

Car Parking and drop off tips: 
Lots of parking onsite.

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